Customer Testimonials

We don’t just execute, we work with our clients as their extended team and deliver high-quality solutions. Our clients agree that we do so very well!

Thank you so much for assisting us in multiple projects over the last several years. Reech partnered on a variety of projects including formulation development, analytical method development and process development.

I have been impressed by the technical expertise of the team, the prompt service, organization of data and communication. I appreciate that we have always been able to quickly get in touch with Reech team and have our project delivered on time and with high quality.

Thank you for your partnership and I look forward to many future successful collaborations.

- A Pharma Executive with 30 Years of Experience
18 September 2023

We are initiating Phase 2 study in psoriasis. On behalf of our company, I’d like to thank you and your team for helping us get to this point!

- A Pharma Executive with Several Years of Experience
30 September 2022

Thank you for the close collaboration to get the stability data to us in time to add into the IND. My colleague and I would like to take your analytical team out for lunch to show our appreciation. Are you available tomorrow?!

- Director, Drug Product Development
A South San Francisco Based Drug Discovery Company
13 April 2023

I worked with ReechPharma on couple of formulation development projects. All activities went well with good technical input and on timely completion. They worked like our extended team! ReechPharma is our first choice when it comes to formulation development.

Thank you, ReechPharma team.

- Senior Director of Pharmaceutics & Clinical Supplies
A Public Limited Company

I am sure you received our financing news letter. We just want to acknowledge how important the partnership with Reech has been to us, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate on this and other future programs.

Thanks and Best Regards,

- SVP, Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing
An Evolving Biotechnology Company Based in California

We appreciate the hard work that the ReechPharma team put into making this project happen.                         

Many thanks!

- Quality Assurance Director
A Bay Area Based Clinical Development Company

ReechPharma team supported pre-formulation, analytical and final formulation for various preclinical in vivo efficacy studies. Their technical expertise in addressing formulation of poorly soluble new chemical entity was commendable. The team supported the formulation, analytical stability data to support the preclinical studies in a timely manner. Their troubleshooting skills and quality of services allowed us to test new chemical entity rapidly in various efficacy models. The team worked as an extension of our own team with the passion of delivering excellent quality of service.

ReechPharma supported the formulation and stability work for the pediatric formulation and provided strategy for the regulatory submission.

- Senior Executive CMC,
Two Public Limited Companies in San Francisco Bay Area

A new formulation is a critical milestone that creates an avenue for a new chemical entity to become a successfully developed therapeutic agent. Target identification can be validated only with a viable formulation that can produce concise preclinical work in ADME and early Tox studies.

Understanding the physicochemical principles, excipient compatibility and the critical aspects of early formulation work has been a highlight of ReechPharma. They were efficient in understanding the needs of the early stage of new chemical entity development and supported the program with prototype formulations that demonstrated expertise and brought a wealth of experience to back their science to triage through these prototypes to pave the way for a sturdy drug product formulation fit for clinical trial material.

- A Seasoned CMC Consultant with 25 years of Experience

With ReechPharma we have been able to evaluate a number of formulation options including novel concepts for topical delivery of three compounds. With the extensive knowledge of the team, sound decisions have been able to be made quickly, allowing a fast pathway to preclinical studies. The team have shown great commitment in delivering GLP supplies with full documentation on time meeting aggressive timelines.

- Director, Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing
A California Based Biotechnology Company

ReechPharma became our go-to lab. Their experience, dedication, and quick timelines led us to greater understanding of our drug molecules and optimized our formulations.

We considered ReechPharma to be an extension of our own company.

- Director, Contract Development & Manufacturing
US Based Public Limited Company

The team at ReechPharma is a pleasure to work with. They not only bring to the table the hands-on formulation and analytical development expertise, but they are also great collaborators when creative solutions are required to address challenges often encountered during early product development. On top of this the analytical turnaround times are quite rapid.

- Executive Director, Drug Product Development
A Fast Growing South San Francisco Based Company

We sincerely thank ReechPharma for their outstanding work and commitment to our project. They provided us with good formulation and analytical development support within a tight deadline and diligently overcame numerous obstacles that we encountered.

- Product Development Director
San Francisco Based Public Limited Company

We have been working with ReechPharma for about one year and we have been consistently impressed with their expertise, professionalism, and dedication to their clients. We worked on a technically challenging formulation and their deep understanding of pharmaceutical technologies led us to a successful outcome.

In addition to their technical expertise, Reech’s team is very responsive and customer oriented. They are always willing to go the extra mile to meet our needs and they are always available to answer our questions.

I highly recommend Reech Pharma’s formulation development services to any company that is looking for a reliable and experienced partner.

- Director of Formulation and Drug Delivery
A Fast Growing Pharmaceutical Company in San Francisco Bay Area

Are you looking for drug product development?

Please write to us, one of our team members will be in touch with you soon.

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